Interpretation of the Recent PD-1 Research Progress (Part II)

Immunotherapy with oncolytic virus combined with PD-1 inhibitor

Continued   6. Nature’s New Discovery: Another Unidentified Anti-cancer Approach of PD-1 / PD-L1 Antibodies doi: 10.1038/nature22396.   On May 17, Nature published an online article titled “PD-1 expression by tumor-associated macrophages inhibits phagocytosis and tumor immunity”, revealing the immune checkpoint inhibitors represented by the PD-1 / PD-L1 antibody can fight cancer in a completely different way.   Dr. Irving Weissman, a professor of pathology and developmental biology at Stanford…


Interpretation of the Recent PD-1 Research Progress

PD-1 (programmed cell death protein 1), the programmed death receptor 1, is an important immunosuppressive molecule. Immunomodulation which targets PD-1 is of great importance to anti-tumor, anti-infective, anti-autoimmune diseases, and organ transplant survival. In recent years, scientists have made a number of achievements in the field of PD-1 research. We will share the relevant research here.   1.Science: Scientists confirm that intestinal microbes affect PD-1 / L1 antibody treatment for…


Precision Medicine: Researchers Push for Personalized Tumor Vaccines

Nowadays, precision medicine has become one of the hot topics in our daily life. Researchers want to treat some diseases according to the information of genes that the patient have in a more efficient way. Do you want to know the opinions of researchers about precision medicine? Here we share an article from (Nature/ doi:10.1038/nature.2016.19801). The full text is followed: It is precision medicine taken to the extreme: cancer-fighting…