Identify a Key Protein that Can Regulate the Female Body’s Estrogen Cycle – RSK2

Recently, in a research report titled “RSK2 Maintains Adult Estrogen Homeostasis by Inhibiting ERK1/2-Mediated Degradation of Estrogen Receptor Alpha” published in the Cell Reports, scientists from Vanderbilt University and other institutions found a key regulatory protein through research that can regulate the body’s estrogen cycle.   Oral contraceptives will moderately increase the risk of breast cancer in women, and birth control methods will use estrogen, a hormone that binds to…


A Special Protein May Help SARS-CoV-2 to Spread Rapidly in Host Cells!

Recently, in a research report published in The FASEB Journal, scientists from Colorado State University and other institutions discovered that a special kind of virus-encoded by SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that induces COVID-19) protein may be directly related to the rapid spread of viruses in the human body. Now scientists have begun to reveal the key features of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through the use of basic research tools and bioinformatics analysis,…