DNA Memories: In Vivo DNA Edit over Generations of Living Cells

Molecular recording devices

Here we share an article which summary a DNA edit method in living cells (Science  29 Jul 2016: Vol. 353, Issue 6298, pp. 444-445 DOI: 10.1126/science.aah4438).  Creative Biomart provides kinds of molecular tools for the synthetic biology research applications using DNA. Synthetic biology uses DNA programs to add new functions into living cells. By expressing transcription factors, microbes such as Escherichia coli can be made to perform complex computational logic and pass “memories” of selected…


Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP): For DNA Binding Proteins and DNA Binding Sites Analysis

Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a well-established method for identifying binding sites for DNA-binding proteins. This method involves (1) cross-linkage of DNA binding proteins to DNA, (2) DNA shearing, (3) immunoprecipitation of DNA fragments bound by a protein of interest, and (4) sequencing of precipitated DNA fragments. Resulting sequencing reads are aligned to the corresponding genome, and genome areas bound by the protein of interest are expected to…


Lack of Certain Transcription Factors May Promote Blood Vessel Growth

Blood Vessel plays a very important role as its growth determines whether timely nutrition is provided during embryonic development. In adulthood, the growth of new vessels can help the process of repair and regeneration. When the growth of them are disturbed, cancer, diabetes and eye disease may occur. By now, scientists have found that the growth of blood vessels in the innermost cell layer can be controlled by metabolism. The…