Insight: the Mechanism to Maintain the Spindle at the Cell Center during Mitosis

Cell division is the most important and common events in life. However, the entire mechanism of cell division is still mysterious for us. Recently, scientists (Carlos Garzon-Coral, Horatiu A. Fantana, Jonathon Howard) found A force-generating machinery that can maintain the spindle at the cell center during mitosis, and they published their findings on Science Magazine (Science 27 May 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6289, pp. 1124-1127  DOI: 10.1126/science.aad9745). Here, let us…


Precision Medicine: Researchers Push for Personalized Tumor Vaccines

Nowadays, precision medicine has become one of the hot topics in our daily life. Researchers want to treat some diseases according to the information of genes that the patient have in a more efficient way. Do you want to know the opinions of researchers about precision medicine? Here we share an article from (Nature/ doi:10.1038/nature.2016.19801). The full text is followed: It is precision medicine taken to the extreme: cancer-fighting…


Antidepressant Target-Serotonin Transporter Reveals Its Shape

Prozac and its kin — drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) — were first discovered in 1972. They address one hallmark of depression: low levels of the molecule serotonin, which neurons use to signal one another. By preventing a protein called serotonin transporter (SERT) form absorbing the serotonin back into neurons that release it, the drugs boost serotonin levels in the junctions between cells. It is exciting that the…


A Collective Route to Metastasis: Seeding by Tumor Cell Clusters

Metastasis is the one of the biggest challenges in cancer therapy. Here we share part of a latest article which discusses the nature of the tumor cells that give rise to metastases by Kevin J. Cheung and Andrew J. Ewald. The origin of this article is Science 08 Apr 2016: Vol. 352, Issue 6282, pp. 167-169 (DOI: 10.1126/science.aaf6546) where you can get the full article. Also Creative Biomart provides molecular tools…


A Platform for Exploring the Core Functions of Life: Design and Synthesis of a Minimal Bacterial Genome

Scientists have design a platform to study the core gene of life organism, using a bacterial genome. What’s more, they obtained some exciting results. Here, we’d like to share the wonderful article expressed by Science Magazine at 25 MARCH 2016 • VOL 351 ISSUE 6280. If you are interested in these research areas, Creative Biomart can provide recombinant proteins for your research. Reference: Hutchison C A, Chuang R Y, Noskov V N, et…


Protein Crystallography: From Protein Structure to Protein Function

The function of a protein is encoded by its 3D structure. Protein crystallography is used as the major biophysical approach to investigate protein structure and function. A world class protein crystallography facility together with a high throughput protein expression facility for protein structure determination can be used to examine proteins of prime importance to human health. The recent advances in molecular medicine have led to an increase in the demand…


Noteworthy Technology in 2016: Protein Labeling in Cells

Nature Method has recently sorted out the most noteworthy technologies in 2016, including protein labeling in cells, unraveling nuclear architecture, protein structure though time, precision optogenetics, highly multiplexed imaging, deep learning, subcellular maps and integrated single-cell profiles.   Florescent dyes are relatively small, having good photophysical properties and spectral span. Those features make fluorescent dyes attractive, and they are expected to replace fluorescent protein for protein labeling. Researchers are actively…


How Much Do Biologists Earn Annually in USA?

GenomeWeb recently released the results of an annual salary survey. According to this year’s report, researchers, technical staff in bio-industry earn more than five years ago but less than last year. The survey has shown that the median salary for this industry is $75,000, while last year was $83,000. In last year’s survey, median salary for senior scientists, senior researchers, senior technical staff was $97,200 and this year the group…


How Does Protein Accomplish “Dressing Up”?

It’s widely known that numerous of physiological and biochemical processes within cells are accomplished by protein. A tiny cell can contain millions of proteins which are translated and synthesized by ribosome. However, after synthesis, these protein molecules often have to undergo post-translational modification, which has important biological significance. Ubiquitinylation is one type of post-translational modification. In other words, after “dressing up” by some “junior partners”, proteins were sent for “mission”….


Human & Chimp

The appearance of Chimp is significantly different from humans, although the creature is close relative of our human beings. Recently, a paper published in Cell has revealed the molecular mechanisms that causes face structural differences between two species that have the same genetic background.   The researchers pointed out that the key point lies in how the gene involved in the genetic diversity is regulated, the level of the regulation…