Pigeons that Can Distinguish Cancer Image

In nature, numerous animals share characteristics with humans, such as pigeons, its ability to find ways still remains for human use. However, a recent study makes people aware it’s more than that.   Richard Levenson, pathologists from the United States together with Edward Wasserman, psychologist from Edward Wasserman, trained pigeons to identify cancer.   During training, the researchers first demonstrated the microscope image of breast tissue to pigeon. Then, the…


On the Three Revolutions of Cancer Research

So far, cancer drug development has gone through three huge revolutions; they are: cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs, “targeted therapy” and immunotherapy. Immunotherapy has not only revolutionized the effectiveness of cancer treatment and will revolutionize the concept of cancer treating. Relatively speaking, immunotherapy is the real anti-cancer revolution and the most reasonable means to solve cancer.   Chemotherapy- the first revolution of anti-cancer drugs Starting from 1940, the most used anti-cancer chemotherapy…