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                        BIO-Europe Spring Creative BioMart to Present at IMMUNOLOGY2024™|May 3-7, 2024|Booth #512

Recombinant Human APOBEC3H cell lysate

Cat.No. : APOBEC3H-96HCL
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Description : Members of the APOBEC family of proteins, like APOBEC3H, are mRNA editing enzymes that affect protein diversity by deamination of cytidine to produce uridine (Wedekind et al., 2003 [PubMed 12683974]).
Species : Human
Size : 100 ul
Storage Buffer : 1X Sample Buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl, 2% SDS, 10% glycerol, 300 mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 0.01% Bromophenol blue)
Applications : Western Blot;
Gene Name : APOBEC3H apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3H [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol : APOBEC3H
Synonyms : APOBEC3H; apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme, catalytic polypeptide-like 3H; DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3H; ARP10; DNA dC->dU-editing enzyme APOBEC-3H; ARP-10; APOBEC-related protein 10; apolipoprotein B mRNA-editing enzyme catalytic polypeptide-like 3H;
Gene ID : 164668
mRNA Refseq : NM_001166002
Protein Refseq : NP_001159474
MIM : 610976
UniProt ID : Q6NTF7
Chromosome Location : 22q13.1
Function : cytidine deaminase activity; hydrolase activity; metal ion binding; zinc ion binding;

For Research Use Only. Not intended for any clinical use. No products from Creative BioMart may be resold, modified for resale or used to manufacture commercial products without prior written approval from Creative BioMart.


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Q&As (19)

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Does APOBEC3H have any non-antiviral functions? 12/01/2022

While the primary role of APOBEC3H is antiviral, emerging evidence suggests that it may also have non-antiviral functions, such as potential involvement in DNA repair processes.

Is there any connection between APOBEC3H and cancer? 10/17/2022

There is emerging evidence suggesting a potential link between APOBEC3H and cancer. Studies have shown that APOBEC3H can induce mutations in the DNA of cancer cells and contribute to tumor heterogeneity and genomic instability. Additionally, dysregulation of APOBEC3H expression has been observed in certain types of cancer, although more research is needed to fully understand its role in cancer development and progression.

Are there any known inhibitors or activators of APOBEC3H? 11/19/2021

Currently, no specific inhibitors or activators of APOBEC3H have been identified. However, ongoing research efforts are focused on understanding its regulation and identifying modulators of its activity for potential therapeutic applications.

Is APOBEC3H involved in cancer development or progression? 10/18/2021

The role of APOBEC3H in cancer is not well-established. However, studies have implicated other members of the APOBEC3 family in cancer-associated mutagenesis, and it is possible that APOBEC3H may also contribute to genomic instability and tumor evolution in certain contexts.

Can APOBEC3H be used as a biomarker for viral infections or cancer? 09/28/2021

There is ongoing research exploring the potential use of APOBEC3H as a biomarker for certain viral infections or cancer types. Altered expression levels or genetic variants of APOBEC3H could potentially be used as indicators of disease susceptibility, severity, or treatment response. However, further validation studies are required.

Can APOBEC3H interact with other host or viral proteins? 06/20/2021

Yes, APOBEC3H can interact with other host proteins involved in innate immunity pathways, such as members of the TRIM family of proteins. It can also interact with viral proteins, including the HIV-1 Vif protein, which attempts to counteract APOBEC3H activity.

Can APOBEC3H be involved in DNA editing? 04/05/2021

APOBEC3H is primarily known for its RNA editing capabilities; however, recent research suggests that it may also have a minor role in DNA editing. It has been shown to have weak DNA deamination activity and can introduce mutations into the DNA sequences, although its primary target is RNA.

Is there any evidence of APOBEC3H's role in HIV drug resistance? 04/08/2020

Yes, some studies have suggested that APOBEC3H expression levels or specific genetic variants may play a role in HIV drug resistance, particularly against drugs targeting the reverse transcriptase enzyme. However, more research is needed to fully understand the mechanisms and clinical implications.

Can APOBEC3H have an impact on the evolution of viruses? 03/16/2020

Yes, APOBEC3H can have a significant impact on the evolution of viruses. Its editing activity can introduce mutations into the viral genome, leading to the generation of viral variants with reduced fitness or altered antigenicity. This can drive the evolutionary arms race between the host immune system and the virus, potentially influencing the genetic diversity and adaptation of viral populations.

Is APOBEC3H specific to certain viruses or does it have broad antiviral activity? 12/11/2019

APOBEC3H has been shown to exert antiviral activity against a range of retroviruses, including HIV-1, HIV-2, and HTLV-1. However, its effectiveness against other virus families is less well-studied.

Are there any diseases or conditions associated with APOBEC3H dysfunction or dysregulation? 10/26/2019

While not extensively studied, there have been some reports suggesting a potential link between APOBEC3H dysregulation and autoimmune diseases, such as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and multiple sclerosis (MS). However, more research is needed to establish a definitive connection.

Are there any ongoing clinical trials targeting APOBEC3H? 07/03/2019

To the best of our knowledge, there are currently no clinical trials specifically targeting APOBEC3H. However, preclinical research on modulating APOBEC3H activity in viral infections and cancer is underway, which may eventually lead to clinical trials.

How does APOBEC3H inhibit viral replication? 06/27/2019

APOBEC3H inhibits viral replication by inducing hypermutation in the viral genome, which can lead to the production of non-functional viral proteins and reduced viral infectivity.

Is APOBEC3H conserved across species? 04/28/2019

APOBEC3H is generally well-conserved across mammalian species, although some variations exist. Different species may have different numbers of APOBEC3 family members, and each member may have unique functions and substrate specificities.

Are there any genetic variants of APOBEC3H that affect its antiviral activity? 09/25/2017

Yes, genetic variants of APOBEC3H have been identified that can alter its antiviral potency. For example, certain APOBEC3H haplotypes have been associated with increased resistance to HIV-1 infection.

Does APOBEC3H vary in expression or function among different individuals or populations? 09/24/2017

Yes, there can be variation in APOBEC3H expression levels and genetic variants among individuals and populations due to genetic polymorphisms. Some studies have reported differences in APOBEC3H activity and antiviral potency across individuals, which could have implications for disease susceptibility and response to infections.

How is the expression of APOBEC3H regulated in cells? 03/20/2017

The expression of APOBEC3H can be regulated at the transcriptional level by various factors, including interferon signaling and other host immune response pathways.

Can APOBEC3H be targeted therapeutically for viral infections or cancer treatment? 12/21/2016

The potential therapeutic targeting of APOBEC3H is currently under investigation. Strategies aimed at enhancing its antiviral activity or inhibiting its interaction with viral proteins, such as HIV-1 Vif, could be explored as potential therapeutic interventions for viral infections. Additionally, modulation of APOBEC3H activity could be explored for potential roles in cancer therapy, though further research is needed.

Are there any drugs targeting APOBEC3H in development? 05/04/2016

As of now, there are no drugs specifically targeting APOBEC3H in development. However, given the potential therapeutic implications of modulating its activity, ongoing research efforts may lead to the development of drugs that could regulate APOBEC3H function in the future.

Customer Reviews (4)

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    Reputable manufacturers often provide technical support to researchers using APOBEC3H protein.


      By actively engaging with researchers and understanding their needs, manufacturers can contribute significantly to the success and impact of research involving the APOBEC3H protein.


        This flexibility allows for tailored approaches and provides researchers with more options to study specific aspects of APOBEC3H biology or its interactions with other molecules.


          Manufacturers can provide comprehensive product information, including data on the functionality, stability, and handling of APOBEC3H protein.

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