Histone Methyltransferases (HMTs)

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Cat.No. Product Name Species Tag Expression System Price
PE-3436 Recombinant METTL17 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3437 Recombinant METTL18 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3438 Recombinant METTL16 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3439 Recombinant METTL15 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3441 Recombinant METTL11B (NTM1B) protein Human GST E. coli Inquiry
PE-3442 Recombinant METTL13 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3443 Recombinant METTL11A (NTMT1) protein, His-Tag Human His E. coli Inquiry
PE-3444 Recombinant METTL10 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3445 Recombinant METTL11A (NTMT1) protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3446 Recombinant METTL8 protein, GST-Tag Human GST E. coli Inquiry
PE-3447 Recombinant METTL8 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3448 Recombinant METTL6 protein, His-Tag Human His E. coli Inquiry
PE-3449 Recombinant METTL7A protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3450 Recombinant METTL7B protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3451 Recombinant METTL6 protein, GST-Tag Human GST E. coli Inquiry
PE-3452 Recombinant METTL5 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3453 Recombinant METTL6 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3454 Recombinant METTL4 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3457 Recombinant METTL1 / WDR4 complex Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3458 Recombinant METTL1 protein, His-Tag Human His E. coli Inquiry
PE-3459 Recombinant METTL1 protein, GST-Tag Human GST E. coli Inquiry
PE-3461 Recombinant METTL1 protein Human FLAG Baculovirus Inquiry
PE-3666 Recombinant ASH1L (2407-2579) protein Human His & FLAG E. coli Inquiry
PE-3667 Recombinant SUV420H1 (2-387) protein Human GST E. coli Inquiry
PE-3668 Recombinant SUV39H2 protein Human GST E. coli Inquiry


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