SMARCA2 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit

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Cat.No.:  EKIT-0539
Product Name:  SMARCA2 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit
Size:  384 reactions
Description:  The SMARCA2 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit is designed to measure the inhibition of SMARCA2 binding to its substrate. The key to the SMARCA2 Inhibitor Screening Assay Kit is the specific binding of the SMARCA2 bromodomain to the acetylated histone substrate. With this kit, only three simple steps on a microtiter plate are required. First, a sample containing SMARCA2 and an inhibitor of choice is incubated with the biotinylated substrate for thirty minutes. Next, acceptor beads are added, then donor beads, followed by reading the Alpha-counts.
Applications:  Useful for the study of bromodomain binding assays, screening bromodomain inhibitors and selectivity profiling.
Kit Components:  Kit comes in a convenient AlphaLISA format, with biotinylated histone peptide substrate, assay buffer, detection buffer and purified SMARCA2 bromodomain to perform a total of 384 enzyme reactions.
Warning:  For research use only, not for diagnostic use.

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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic or therapeutic procedures.


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