Creative BioMart to Present at
                        BIO-Europe Spring Creative BioMart to Present at IMMUNOLOGY2024™|May 3-7, 2024|Booth #512


Species Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Tag Protein Length Price
Bacillus subtilis ADCC-2620B Recombinant Bacillus subtilis ADCC protein, His-tagged E. coli or Yeast His
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Q&As (12)

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What types of cancer can be treated with ADCC protein-based immunotherapies? 04/02/2022

ADCC protein-based immunotherapies have shown promise in treating various types of cancer, including breast cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, and solid tumors such as lung, ovarian, and colorectal cancer. The specific type of cancer targeted depends on the antigen expressed on the cancer cells and the availability of suitable antibodies.

What are some examples of ADCC protein-based therapies? 06/10/2020

There are several ADCC protein-based therapies approved by regulatory agencies. One example is trastuzumab (Herceptin), which is used in the treatment of HER2-positive breast cancer. Trastuzumab is an ADCC protein that targets the HER2 receptor on the surface of cancer cells and stimulates the immune system to destroy those cells. Another example is rituximab (Rituxan), which is used to treat non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Rituximab is an ADCC protein that targets the CD20 antigen on B-cells and facilitates their destruction by immune cells.

What are some challenges associated with the application of ADCC protein? 04/24/2020

One of the challenges of ADCC-based therapies is the potential for resistance to develop over time. The target cells may alter their surface antigens or downregulate the expression of those antigens, which may reduce the effectiveness of ADCC protein therapy. Additionally, optimizing the dosage and administration of ADCC proteins requires careful consideration to avoid adverse effects on the healthy tissues or organs.

What is the current state of research on ADCC protein? 02/16/2020

The research on ADCC protein is ongoing, with many studies exploring its potential applications in different diseases and the mechanisms by which it works. For example, some researchers are investigating the use of ADCC proteins in combination with other therapies, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to enhance the immune response. Other studies are focusing on the development of more potent ADCC proteins that can better target specific types of cells and reduce off-target effects.

How are ADCC protein immunotherapies administered? 09/10/2019

ADCC protein immunotherapies are typically administered intravenously, through injection into a vein. The frequency and dosage depend on the specific therapy and the patient's individual condition.

Can ADCC protein be used to prevent viral infections? 03/09/2019

ADCC protein can be used to prevent viral infections by strengthening the body's immune system. This is achieved by stimulating the production of antibodies that can neutralize viruses, thereby preventing them from infecting cells in the body. However, the effectiveness of ADCC protein in preventing viral infections may vary depending on the type of virus and the severity of the infection.

How is ADCC protein used in cancer therapy? 08/13/2016

ADCC protein is used as a therapeutic agent in cancer therapy to selectively target cancer cells and trigger an immune response against them. It is given as an infusion or injection and works by binding to receptors on the surface of cancer cells, which then activate immune cells to attack and destroy the cancer cells.

Are there any side effects of ADCC protein therapy? 01/06/2016

Like any other medications or treatments, ADCC protein therapy may have some side effects. These can include nausea, skin rashes, fever, and headache. However, most of these side effects are temporary and resolve with time.

How effective are ADCC protein immunotherapies? 12/31/2015

The effectiveness of ADCC protein immunotherapies varies depending on the specific therapy and cancer type. Some therapies have shown significant improvements in patient survival and disease progression, while others may have limited efficacy. Ongoing research is aimed at optimizing the ADCC response and identifying patient-specific factors that can improve the effectiveness of these therapies.

What are the side effects of ADCC protein immunotherapy? 07/23/2015

The side effects of ADCC protein immunotherapy may include infusion reactions, fever, chills, fatigue, headache, nausea, and vomiting. In rare cases, more serious adverse events such as allergic reactions, neurological symptoms, or organ toxicity may occur.

How does ADCC protein immunotherapy differ from other types of immunotherapy? 07/07/2015

ADCC protein immunotherapy is a type of antibody-based immunotherapy that relies on the activation of the patient's own immune cells to target and kill cancer cells. This is different from other types of immunotherapy, such as checkpoint inhibitors or CAR-T cell therapy, which work by blocking specific molecules or engineering immune cells to specifically recognize and attack cancer cells.

How effective is ADCC protein therapy for cancer treatment? 06/11/2015

ADCC protein therapy has shown promising results in the treatment of various types of cancer such as breast cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia. Clinical trials have demonstrated that this therapy can improve the response rate and survival rates of patients with advanced cancer.

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