Creative BioMart to Present at BPS 2025 Annual Meeting | February 15-19, 2025


  • Official Full Name

    achaete-scute complex homolog 2 (Drosophila)

  • Overview

    This gene is a member of the basic helix-loop-helix (BHLH) family of transcription factors. It activates transcription by binding to the E box (5-CANNTG-3). Dimerization with other BHLH proteins is required for efficient DNA binding. Involved in the determination of the neuronal precursors in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system.
  • Synonyms

    ASCL2; achaete-scute complex homolog 2 (Drosophila); achaete scute complex (Drosophila) homolog like 2 , achaete scute complex like 2 (Drosophila); achaete-scute homolog 2; ASH2; bHLHa45; HASH2; Achaete scute complex like 2; Achaete scute homolog 2; achaete-scute complex-like 2; ASCL2_HUMAN; ASH-2; Class A basic helix-loop-helix protein 45; Mash2; OTTHUMP00000011229; mammalian achaete/scute homologue 2;

  • Recombinant Proteins
  • Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads
  • Human
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • E.coli
  • E.Coli or Yeast
  • HEK293
  • HEK293T
  • In Vitro Cell Free System
  • Mammalian Cell
  • Mammalian cells
  • Wheat Germ
  • Flag
  • GST
  • His
  • Fc
  • Avi
  • Myc
  • DDK
Species Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Tag Protein Length Price
Human ASCL2-905H Recombinant Human ASCL2 protein, GST-tagged Wheat Germ GST 1 a.a. - 193 a.a.
Human ASCL2-9926H Recombinant Human ASCL2, GST-tagged E.coli GST C-term-92a.a.
Human ASCL2-906H Recombinant Human SILV protein, MYC/DDK-tagged HEK293 Myc&DDK
Human ASCL2-736HF Recombinant Full Length Human ASCL2 Protein, GST-tagged In Vitro Cell Free System GST 193 amino acids
Human ASCL2-387H-B Recombinant Human ASCL2 Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293
Human ASCL2-1467HFL Recombinant Full Length Human ASCL2 Protein, C-Flag-tagged Mammalian cells Flag
Human ASCL2-387H Recombinant Human ASCL2 Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 His&Fc&Avi
Mouse Ascl2-3065M Recombinant Mouse Ascl2, His-tagged E.Coli or Yeast His 263
Mouse ASCL2-2026M Recombinant Mouse ASCL2 Protein Mammalian Cell His
Mouse Ascl2-1740M Recombinant Mouse Ascl2 Protein, Myc/DDK-tagged HEK293T Myc&DDK
Mouse ASCL2-2532M Recombinant Mouse ASCL2 Protein (1-263 aa), His-Myc-tagged E.coli His&Myc 1-263 aa
Mouse ASCL2-785M-B Recombinant Mouse ASCL2 Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293
Mouse ASCL2-785M Recombinant Mouse ASCL2 Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 His&Fc&Avi
Rat ASCL2-819R Recombinant Rat ASCL2 Protein Mammalian Cell His
Rat ASCL2-475R Recombinant Rat ASCL2 Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 His&Fc&Avi
Rat ASCL2-475R-B Recombinant Rat ASCL2 Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293
  • Involved Pathway
  • Protein Function
  • Interacting Protein
  • Other Resource

ASCL2 involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways ASCL2 participated on our site, such as , which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with ASCL2 were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein

ASCL2 has several biochemical functions, for example, E-box binding, RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding, protein dimerization activity. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by ASCL2 itself. We selected most functions ASCL2 had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with ASCL2. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

Function Related Protein
RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA bindingFOSL2;NRF1;PITX2;KCNIP3;NR5A2;KLF13;IFI203;HAND1;POU4F2
protein dimerization activityACTN2;PIP;STK4;ATOH7;HNF1A;AHRRA;STAT5B;HER5;HER12
transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA bindingFOXD4;POU5F1;PBX1;RARG;TBX16;ZNF193;FOXN1;FOXN2;POU3F2A
transcriptional repressor activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific bindingSKIL;TFAP2C;HES1;NKX6;BATF3;NFIL3-2;YY1;KLF17;AEBP2

ASCL2 has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with ASCL2 here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of ASCL2.

Research Area

Related articles

Liu, XD; Chen, X; et al. Transcription factor achaete-scute homologue 2 initiates follicular T-helper-cell development. NATURE 507:513-+(2014).
Dessein, AF; Stechly, L; et al. Autocrine Induction of Invasive and Metastatic Phenotypes by the MIF-CXCR4 Axis in Drug-Resistant Human Colon Cancer Cells. CANCER RESEARCH 70:4644-4654(2010).
  • Reviews
  • Q&As

Customer Reviews (3)

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    The manufacturer's commitment to providing excellent technical support is highly valuable.


      The combination of high-quality ASCL2 protein and excellent technical support provided by the manufacturer makes them the ideal choice for my research.


        The ASCL2 protein offered by the manufacturer is of exceptional quality, and it meets the rigorous standards necessary for my experimental needs.

        Q&As (6)

        Ask a question
        Can ASCL2 induce pluripotency or cellular reprogramming? 01/12/2023

        ASCL2, along with other transcription factors and signaling molecules, has been used in combination to induce cellular reprogramming and pluripotency in certain contexts, demonstrating its ability to alter cell fate.

        Does ASCL2 have any role in other tissues or organs? 01/10/2023

        ASCL2's primary role is in the gastrointestinal tract, but it may also have roles in other tissues and organs during development, including lung and pancreas.

        Are there any known interacting partners of ASCL2? 09/30/2019

        ASCL2 interacts with various co-factors and proteins involved in stem cell regulation and development, including β-catenin, POU5F1 (Oct4), and SMAD proteins.

        Is ASCL2 essential for the development of the gastrointestinal tract? 06/14/2019

        Yes, ASCL2 is crucial for the normal development of the gastrointestinal tract, particularly in regulating the differentiation and proliferation of intestinal stem cells.

        Can ASCL2 be targeted for therapeutic interventions or drug discovery? 04/06/2017

        ASCL2 is being explored as a potential therapeutic target for colorectal cancer due to its involvement in promoting abnormal cell proliferation. Targeting ASCL2 may help inhibit tumor growth and progression.

        How does ASCL2 regulate intestinal stem cells? 02/17/2016

        ASCL2 promotes the self-renewal of intestinal stem cells by activating specific gene expression programs involved in stem cell maintenance. It also regulates the balance between proliferation and differentiation of these cells.

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