Creative BioMart to Present at BPS 2025 Annual Meeting | February 15-19, 2025


  • Official Full Name

    E1A binding protein p300

  • Overview

    This gene encodes the adenovirus E1A-associated cellular p300 transcriptional co-activator protein. It functions as histone acetyltransferase that regulates transcription via chromatin remodeling and is important in the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation. It mediates cAMP-gene regulation by binding specifically to phosphorylated CREB protein. This gene has also been identified as a co-activator of HIF1A (hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha), and thus plays a role in the stimulation of hypoxia-induced genes such as VEGF. Defects in this gene are a cause of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and may also play a role in epithelial cancer.
  • Synonyms

    EP300; E1A binding protein p300; histone acetyltransferase p300; KAT3B; p300; p300 HAT; E1A-binding protein, 300kD; E1A-associated protein p300; RSTS2;

  • Recombinant Proteins
  • Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads
  • Dog
  • Human
  • Monkey
  • Mouse
  • Rat
  • Rhesus Macaque
  • E.coli
  • HEK293
  • Insect Cell
  • Mammalian Cell
  • Sf21 Insect Cell
  • Sf9 Insect Cell
  • Wheat Germ
  • Flag
  • GST
  • His
  • Fc
  • Avi
  • N
  • C
  • Myc
  • Non
Species Cat.# Product name Source (Host) Tag Protein Length Price
Human EP300-42H Active Recombinant Human EP300 protein E.coli Non 1284-1673
Human EP300-1074H Active Recombinant Human E1A Binding Protein P300, 302-531aa E.coli Non
Human EP300-442H Active Recombinant Human EP300, His-tagged Sf21 Insect Cell His
Human EP300-28677TH Recombinant Human EP300 protein, Flag-tagged Insect Cell Flag
Human EP300-3346H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein, GST-tagged Wheat Germ GST
Human EP300-28680TH Recombinant Human EP300, FLAG-tagged Flag 1135-2414
Human EP300-1584H Recombinant Human E1A Binding Protein P300, GST-tagged Sf9 Insect Cell GST 532-1153
Human EP300-80H Recombinant Human EP300 protein, His-tagged E.coli His 1040-1161
Human EP300-43H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein, GST-tagged E.coli GST
Human EP300-202H Recombinant Human EP300 protein, DDK-tagged Insect Cell Flag Tyr1066-Lys1707
Human EP300-1585H Recombinant Human E1A Binding Protein P300, GST-tagged Sf9 Insect Cell GST 1283-1673
Human EP300-28678TH Recombinant Human EP300 Non 302-531
Human EP300-610H Recombinant Human EP300 Mammalian Cell His
Human EP300-2862H-B Recombinant Human EP300 Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293
Human EP300-04H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein (catalytic domain, 965-1810), N-Flag-tagged Insect Cell Flag 965-1810
Human EP300-414H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein, His-tagged E.coli His Glu1351~Ile1601
Human EP300-02H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein, N-Flag-tagged Insect Cell Flag
Human EP300-2964H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein (His2283-His2414), N-His tagged E.coli His His2283-His2414
Human EP300-2862H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 His&Fc&Avi
Human EP300-85H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein, His-tagged E.coli His
Human EP300-2965H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein E.coli Non
Human EP300-03H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein (Full Length), N-Flag-tagged Insect Cell Flag
Human EP300-12H Recombinant Human EP300 Protein (bromodomain, 1041-1161), N-His and C-Flag-tagged E.coli His&Flag 1041-1161
Mouse Ep300-415M Recombinant Mouse Ep300 Protein, His-tagged E.coli His Gly2124~Ser2397
Mouse Ep300-545M Recombinant Mouse Ep300 protein, His&Myc-tagged E.coli N-His&C-Myc 1286-1662aa
Mouse Ep300-49M Recombinant Mouse Ep300 Protein, GST-tagged E.coli GST 165
Mouse Ep300-4322M Recombinant Mouse Ep300 protein, His-tagged E.coli His 1286-1662a.a.
Rat Ep300-416R Recombinant Rat Ep300 protein, His-GST-tagged E.coli His&GST Met1~Pro158
Monkey EP300-1481R Recombinant Monkey Ep300 Protein, His tagged HEK293 His
Dog EP300-01D Recombinant Dog Ep300 Protein, His tagged HEK293 His
Rhesus Macaque EP300-1306R-B Recombinant Rhesus Macaque EP300 Protein Pre-coupled Magnetic Beads HEK293
Rhesus Macaque EP300-1306R Recombinant Rhesus Macaque EP300 Protein, His (Fc)-Avi-tagged HEK293 His&Fc&Avi
  • Background
  • Quality Guarantee
  • Case Study
  • Involved Pathway
  • Protein Function
  • Interacting Protein
  • Other Resource

What is ep300 protein?

EP300 protein, also known as histone acetyltransferase p300, is a transcriptional coactivator that functions in chromatin remodeling and regulation of gene expression. EP300 belongs to the p300/CBP family of proteins. It has histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity.As a HAT, it acetylates histones and other proteins, thereby regulating gene transcription. It adds acetyl groups to lysine residues on histone tails.This acetylation neutralizes the positive charge on histones and leads to an opened chromatin state, making DNA more accessible for transcription.

EP300 interacts with various transcription factors like p53, STAT3, HIF1-α, NF-κB, Smad7 etc and regulates their target genes. It plays a key role in cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. EP300 is involved in many cellular processes like DNA damage response, cell cycle progression, DNA repair, cellular senescence and cancer development.Mutations and deletions in EP300 have been linked to Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and various cancers like liver cancer and leukemia.It acts as a transcriptional co-activator for CREB and p53 and regulates key genes involved in cell survival, proliferation and apoptosis.

What is the function of ep300 protein?

Histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity: EP300 has intrinsic HAT activity. It acetylates lysine residues on histone tails, especially H3K18 and H3K27. This acetylation neutralizes positive charge on histones and results in relaxed chromatin confirmation. This opens up chromatin structure and makes DNA accessible for transcription.

Transcriptional co-activator function: EP300 interacts with various transcription factors like p53, HIF1-α, NF-κB etc. It acts as a bridging factor between DNA-binding transcription factors and basal transcription machinery. This enhances transcription of target genes of these transcription factors.

Regulation of key cellular processes: EP300 regulates genes involved in cell cycle, apoptosis, DNA damage response etc. It is required for p53-dependent transcriptional activation and apoptosis in response to stress. Also involved in processes like cellular senescence, differentiation, DNA repair and cancer development.

Ep300 related signaling pathway

p53 signaling pathway: EP300 directly interacts with and acetylates p53 in response to various stresses. This acetylation enhances p53 stability, DNA binding and transcriptional activity. EP300 co-activates transcription of p53 target genes involved in cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and senescence.

Hypoxia signaling pathway: EP300 interacts with and acetylates hypoxia inducible factor 1α (HIF1α). This acetylation stabilizes HIF1α under hypoxic conditions and enhances its transcriptional activity. Induces transcription of genes regulating angiogenesis, metabolism, cell survival during hypoxia.

Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway: EP300 interacts with nuclear β-catenin and mediates its transcriptional co-activator function. Regulates Wnt target genes involved in proliferation, development, stem cell self-renewal and cancer.

NF-κB signaling pathway: Binds to NF-κB and enhances transcription of inflammation-related genes. Regulates immune response, inflammation, apoptosis, cell survival and proliferation.

Ep300 Related Diseases

  •  Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome: A genetic developmental disorder caused by mutations in EP300 or CBP genes. Features include broad thumbs/halluces and facial abnormalities.
  •  Cancers: Reduced EP300 expression in many cancers like liver, breast, colon cancers correlates with poor prognosis. It acts as a tumor suppressor.
  •  Lung cancer: EP300 mutations or reduced expression promote metastasis, epithelial-mesenchymal transition and stemness in lung cancers.
  •  Drug target for cancers: Inhibiting EP300 HAT activity can suppress tumor growth by modulating key oncogenic signaling pathways. EP300 inhibitors are in preclinical/clinical trials.
  •  Biomarker for cancer prognosis: EP300 levels can serve as biomarker for predicting cancer metastasis and survival outcomes to enable personalized medicine.

Biomedical Application of ep300 Protein

  •  Drug target for cancers: Inhibiting EP300 HAT activity can suppress tumor growth by modulating key oncogenic signaling pathways. EP300 inhibitors are in preclinical/clinical trials.
  •  Therapeutic approach for Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome: Gene therapy using vectors to restore EP300 expression may help treat developmental defects in RTS patients.
  •  Dissecting p53 tumor suppression pathway: EP300 knockout and rescue models help elucidate precise mechanisms of p53 acetylation and target gene regulation in cancer.
  •  Dissecting p53 tumor suppression pathway: EP300 knockout and rescue models help elucidate precise mechanisms of p53 acetylation and target gene regulation in cancer.

High Purity


Fig1. SDS-PAGE (EP300-3346H)

High Bioactivity & Detection Sensitivity


Fig2. This gene encodes the adenovirus E1A-associated cellular p300 transcriptional co-activator protein. It functions as histone acetyltransferase that regulates transcription via chromatin remodeling and is important in the processes of cell proliferation and differentiation. It mediates cAMP-gene regulation by binding specifically to phosphorylated CREB protein. This gene has also been identified as a co-activator of HIF1A (hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha), and thus plays a role in the stimulation of hypoxia-induced genes such as VEGF. Defects in this gene are a cause of Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome and may also play a role in epithelial cancer.


(Markus Vieweg, 2015)

Fig3. Validation of enriched promoters with μChIP in combination with real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) between sperm of fertile donors and subfertile patients. Results from ChIP assay with anti-H4K12ac antibodies, with anti-protamine-1 in immunoprecipitated DNA of fertile donors (n = 5) and subfertile patients (n = 8). Unmodified H3 was used as a positive and IgG as a negative isotype control. Loss of interaction for H4K12ac was detected in selected promoters; however, a significant difference was observed in NCOA6, RUVBL1, and POU2F1. Depletion of H4K12ac binding is potentially replaced by either unmodified histone H3 or protamine 1.


(Ryan A. Henry, 2015)

Fig4. Knockdown of p300 in BxPC3 cells causes a loss of the stimulatory effect of C646. BxPC3 cells were treated with shRNA against p300 as described in the Methods. (A) Knockdown of p300 was confirmed via Western blot. Alpha-tubulin was used as a loading control. BxPC3 p300 depleted cells were treated in triplicate with either a 0.2% DMSO control or varying concentrations of C646 in 0.2% DMSO for 4 h before harvesting and histone extraction.

EP300 involved in several pathways and played different roles in them. We selected most pathways EP300 participated on our site, such as cAMP signaling pathway, HIF- signaling pathway, FoxO signaling pathway, which may be useful for your reference. Also, other proteins which involved in the same pathway with EP300 were listed below. Creative BioMart supplied nearly all the proteins listed, you can search them on our site.

Pathway Name Pathway Related Protein
FoxO signaling pathwayG6PCA.1;CDKN1BA;IL6;AGAP2;SIRT1;GADD45BA;S1PR1;MDM2;SOD2
Wnt signaling pathwayCUL1B;EP300;CSNK2A2A;FZD2;APC;TBL1XR1;CCND3;CAMK2G;RBX1
Jak-STAT signaling pathwayIL2RG;IL23;IRX1;SOCS7;IFNA1;PIK3R2;EPOR;IFNGR1;SOCS9
Thyroid hormone signaling pathwayPLCD4;PRKCB;ATP1B3;DIO1;PRKCA;THRA;ATP2A2;MED17;PLCD1
Huntingtons diseaseATP5G3;IFT57;COX6A1;COX4I1;DNAL1;TBPL1;NDUFS1;TP53;DNALC4
Herpes simplex infectionSRSF6;ARNTL1B;OAS1;CD74;HLA-DRB4;IFNA7;TAF9B;NFKBIB;C3A.1
Epstein-Barr virus infectionENTPD3;PSMC4;YWHAG;SPI1;MAPK8;POLR1C;PSMD4;POLR2H;POLR2G
Pathways in cancerMAX;FASLG;BIRC2;CSF3R;FAS;TCEB2;GNA12;PIK3R3;FGF18
Renal cell carcinomaEPAS1;TCEB2;KRAS;VHL;PIK3R5;MAP2K1;CUL2;FH1;TGFA

EP300 has several biochemical functions, for example, DNA binding, NF-kappaB binding, RNA polymerase II activating transcription factor binding. Some of the functions are cooperated with other proteins, some of the functions could acted by EP300 itself. We selected most functions EP300 had, and list some proteins which have the same functions with EP300. You can find most of the proteins on our site.

Function Related Protein
RNA polymerase II activating transcription factor bindingIFI27;SETD3;NEUROD1;LMO2;HEY2;SIN3A;RB1;T;ZFPM1
RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA bindingPRDM1;HOXC11;MYPOP;SIX1;DPF2;TBP;ZNF713;ZNF100;TP73
RNA polymerase II core promoter sequence-specific DNA bindingIRF7;MITF;STAT5A;STAT6;H3F3A;ZNF335;MTF1;PAX8;NLRC5
acetyltransferase activityHHAT;CML5;KAT5;DGAT2L6;MBOAT7;AANAT2;ACNAT2;EP300;KAT2B
activating transcription factor bindingPPARG;HDAC7;ATOH8;EEF1D;HDAC1;HDAC7A;GATA4;MEF2D;DGKQ
androgen receptor bindingNCOA1;NRIP1;RB1;CCNE1;PKN1;PRKCB;CTNNB1;GRIP1;FOXH1
bHLH transcription factor bindingPSMD9;IKZF4;TCF3;MAP3K10;SMAD3;RUNX2;SOX9;TWIST1;ISL1
core promoter bindingE2F7;IFI16;SFPI1;HDAC4;CALCOCO1;GATA1;PYDC3;SAFB;CRY1
glucocorticoid receptor bindingFKBP4;GRIP1;ETS2;NR4A2;STAT3;YWHAH;STAT5B;CEBPB;EP300
histone acetyltransferase activityEP300;NCOA1;HTATIP;CSRP2BP;KAT2A;ATF2;TAF1L;NCOA2;vnc
lysine N-acetyltransferase activity, acting on acetyl phosphate as donorRHBDL1;NAT8B;KAT2B;NAT8;ESCO2;EP300;CEACAM21
mitogen-activated protein kinase bindingPTPRJ;EP300;SIRT1;MAPKAPK2B;CDK5RAP3;ACE;MAPKAPK5;TPR;ATF7
nuclear hormone receptor bindingMYOD1;NRIP1;Ankar;NCOA1;CRX;TACC2;SNW1;SMARCD3;BUD31
peroxisome proliferator activated receptor bindingEP300;MED1;IKBKG;ASXL2;NFATC4;CREBBP;ASXL1;NR0B2;HMGA1
pre-mRNA intronic bindingPRPF8;RBM41;RBM4;SOX9;RNPC3;EP300;HNRNPA2B1
protein C-terminus bindingSREBF2;DBNL;NEFL;XRCC4;EFHC1;MLLT4;YWHAQ;VIM;PEX5
protein antigen bindingH2-AB1;KLRD1;ITGA4;KLRC2;EP300
protein complex bindingERCC8;CDK2;PEX26;ATF1;HADHA;SLC25A3;PPIB;CFLAR;INS2
transcription coactivator activityKAT2A;SMARCB1;CTBP2;TRIM24;MAK;THRAP3;HCFC1;ZSCAN1;CTNNB1
contributes_to transcription coactivator activityARID5B;EP300;CREBBP;PHF2
transcription factor bindingMYC;PAX6;SMARCA4;PSMC5;PARK7;DNAJA3;SRF;HEY1;MYOD1
transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific bindingATF1;SLAMF7;ETV5;ALX4;REST;MAFBA;FOXC1;MYOCD;ESRRG
transferase activity, transferring acyl groupsMBOAT2;NMT1A;GGACT.2;NAT15;ESCO1;GGACT.3;ZDHHC21;LIPT1;SPTLC3
zinc ion bindingRNF17;RNF182;SQSTM1;POLE;JUB;ZMAT4;MMP23BB;MMP26;FTR14

EP300 has direct interactions with proteins and molecules. Those interactions were detected by several methods such as yeast two hybrid, co-IP, pull-down and so on. We selected proteins and molecules interacted with EP300 here. Most of them are supplied by our site. Hope this information will be useful for your research of EP300.


Research Area

Related articles

Vieweg, M; Dvorakova-Hortova, K; et al. Methylation analysis of histone H4K12ac-associated promoters in sperm of healthy donors and subfertile patients. CLINICAL EPIGENETICS 7:-(2015).
Cho, YA; Hong, JS; et al. The role of p300 in the tumor progression of oral squamous cell carcinoma. JOURNAL OF ORAL PATHOLOGY & MEDICINE 44:185-192(2015).
  • Reviews
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Customer Reviews (3)

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    It has consistently demonstrated outstanding results, consistently producing clear and sharp bands, allowing for accurate and reliable protein detection and quantification.


      Its stability and purity make it an ideal candidate for studying protein structures at a high resolution, providing crucial insights into the organization and function of the EP300 protein.


        I highly recommend the EP300 protein for its exceptional performance in Western blot analysis.

        Q&As (5)

        Ask a question
        How does EP300 impact developmental abnormalities? 11/12/2022

        EP300 is crucial for embryonic development, and mutations in the EP300 gene can lead to developmental abnormalities. Understanding its role is essential for potential interventions.

        How does EP300 contribute to neurodegenerative disorders? 09/22/2021

        EP300 is involved in neuronal function and survival. Dysregulation of EP300 has been observed in neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

        Are there experimental treatments targeting EP300 in neurodegenerative disorders? 06/20/2021

        Research is underway to explore drugs that modulate EP300 activity for potential therapeutic interventions in neurodegenerative disorders, but clinical applications are still in the early stages.

        Are there any ongoing clinical trials targeting EP300 in cancer treatment? 07/07/2017

        Yes, there are clinical trials exploring the therapeutic potential of targeting EP300 in various cancer types, focusing on its role in controlling cell proliferation and survival.

        Are there drugs targeting EP300 in cardiovascular diseases? 03/26/2016

        While there are no specific drugs targeting EP300 approved for cardiovascular diseases, ongoing research aims to identify compounds that can modulate its activity for therapeutic purposes.

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