Inclusion Body Protein Isolation Maxi Kit
Cat.No. : | Inclusion Body-37A |
Product Overview : | The Inclusion Body Isolation Maxi Kit is a complete kit that is designed for the purification of recombinant proteins expressed in bacteria as inclusion bodies. Bacteria are widely used for the expression of different recombinant protein, however 70-80% of the proteins expressed in E. coli by recombinant techniques are contained in inclusion bodies (i.e., protein aggregates). This kit is stream-lined for rapid and efficient cell lysis, protein solubilization and on-column protein purification of up to 12 mg of proteins from 100 mL of bacterial culture. |
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Tag : | Non | : | Inclusion Body-37A |
Description : | The Inclusion Body Isolation Maxi Kit uses a proprietary Cell Lysis Reagent to selectively lyse the cells and release inclusion bodies in their solid form. Next, inclusion bodies are dissolved and their contents released using the IB Solubilization Reagent. Inclusion body proteins are then further purified by loading onto spin columns containing Norgen"s proprietary resin (BIND). Non-specifically bound components in the solution can then be washed from the column, leaving the inclusion body protein bound to the resin (WASH). These specific proteins can then be eluted into the supplied Elution Buffer (ELUTE). Please see the procedure flowchart to the right. |
Storage : | The reagent should be stored at 4°C upon receipt of the kit. All other unopened solutions should be stored at room temperature. Once opened, the solutions should be stored at 4°C when not in use, except for the Basic and Acidic Binding Buffers, which should be stored at room temperature. |
◆ Recombinant Proteins | ||
RFL31109BF | Recombinant Full Length Bifidobacterium Longum Undecaprenyl-Diphosphatase(Uppp) Protein, His-Tagged | +Inquiry |
MRPL38-5581H | Recombinant Human MRPL38 Protein, GST-tagged | +Inquiry |
RFL7066SF | Recombinant Full Length Schizosaccharomyces Pombe Protein Rot1(Rot1) Protein, His-Tagged | +Inquiry |
UBAC1-3121C | Recombinant Chicken UBAC1 | +Inquiry |
Tmem17-236M | Recombinant Mouse Tmem17 Protein, MYC/DDK-tagged | +Inquiry |
◆ Native Proteins | ||
Lectin-1762A | Active Native Agaricus bisporus lectin Protein, Biotinylated | +Inquiry |
INS-512D | Native Bovine INS | +Inquiry |
IBVF0704-224I | Native Influenza (B/Florida 07/04 ) IBVF0704 protein | +Inquiry |
MPOB-234H | Native Human Myeloperoxidase Isoform B | +Inquiry |
BOD-38 | Active Native Bilirubin oxidase | +Inquiry |
◆ Cell & Tissue Lysates | ||
FLT3LG-001HCL | Recombinant Human FLT3LG cell lysate | +Inquiry |
BST2-1623MCL | Recombinant Mouse BST2 cell lysate | +Inquiry |
OCRL-3601HCL | Recombinant Human OCRL 293 Cell Lysate | +Inquiry |
ARL4C-8712HCL | Recombinant Human ARL4C 293 Cell Lysate | +Inquiry |
NAA60-3964HCL | Recombinant Human NAT15 293 Cell Lysate | +Inquiry |
Not For Human Consumption!
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