Creative BioMart to Present at BPS 2025 Annual Meeting | February 15-19, 2025

Active Native Human Coagulation Factor XII (Hageman factor)

Cat.No. : F12-5397H
Product Overview : HumanFactor beta-XIIa is a single chain polypeptide activated from homogeneous Human F12 by an autoactivation process with dextran sulfate.
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Description : Human F12is generated in vivo by kallikrein cleavage of Factor alpha-XIIa and containsthe catalytic light chain and the C-terminal peptide of the heavy chain of Factoralpha-XIIa. Human Factor beta-XIIa is activated from homogeneous Human FactorXII by an autoactivation process with Dextran Sulfate followed byrepurification to isolate Factor alpha-XIIa and Factor beta-XIIa. Completeactivation is observed on SDSPAGE.
Source : Human plasma
Species : Human
Form : Frozen liquidcontaining 4 mM Sodium acetate Buffer + 0.15 M NaCl, pH 5.3.
Bio-activity : Determined byClotting Assay.
Molecular Mass : 30 kDa
Endotoxin : < 0.1 ng/μg ofprotein.>
Purity : ≥95% by SDS-PAGEanalysis.
Storage : Store at-80°C. Stable for 3 years from delivery. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
Concentration : 2.0 mg/ml
Tag : Non
Gene Name : F12 coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor) [ Homo sapiens ]
Official Symbol : F12
Synonyms : F12; coagulation factor XII (Hageman factor); coagulation factor XII; Hageman factor; beta-factor XIIa part 1; beta-factor XIIa part 2; coagulation factor XIIa heavy chain; coagulation factor XIIa light chain; HAF; HAE3; HAEX;
Gene ID : 2161
mRNA Refseq : NM_000505
Protein Refseq : NP_000496
MIM : 610619
UniProt ID : P00748
Chromosome Location : 5q33-qter
Pathway : Blood Clotting Cascade, organism-specific biosystem; Complement and Coagulation Cascades, organism-specific biosystem; Complement and coagulation cascades, organism-specific biosystem; Complement and coagulation cascades, conserved biosystem; Formation of Fibrin Clot (Clotting Cascade), organism-specific biosystem; Hemostasis, organism-specific biosystem; Intrinsic Pathway, organism-specific biosystem;
Function : binding; misfolded protein binding; peptidase activity; protein binding; serine-type endopeptidase activity;

Not For Human Consumption!


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        Q&As (7)

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        What role does F12 play in thrombotic disorders? 05/30/2023

        Abnormalities in F12 can lead to increased risk of thrombosis and related disorders.

        How do genetic variations in the F12 gene affect coagulation and risk of bleeding or clotting disorders? 03/26/2022

        Genetic mutations in F12 can result in either excessive bleeding or an increased tendency to form clots.

        How does F12 interact with other components of the coagulation and fibrinolytic systems? 10/01/2021

        F12 works in conjunction with other coagulation factors and proteins to regulate clot formation and breakdown.

        What is the impact of altered F12 activity on inflammation and immune response? 04/28/2021

        Altered F12 activity is associated with inflammation and can influence immune responses.

        What potential therapeutic applications could arise from targeting F12 in clotting or inflammatory disorders? 12/29/2019

        Targeting F12 offers potential in treating clotting disorders and reducing inflammation in certain conditions.

        How does F12 activation initiate the intrinsic pathway of coagulation? 10/05/2018

        Upon activation, F12 triggers a series of enzymatic reactions leading to clot formation.

        What is the primary function of Factor XII (F12) in the blood coagulation cascade? 03/23/2017

        Factor XII (F12) activates the intrinsic pathway of the coagulation cascade, crucial for blood clot formation.

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